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Research has proven that no two snowflakes are alike.

Snow is actually translucent, not white. It looks white because of the way the light reflects off ice crystals.

Blizzards occur when visibility is less than a quarter mile, the winds are 35 miles per hour or more and the storm lasts at least three hours. Anything less is considered a snowstorm.

The coldest temperature ever recorded was in 1983, when the temperature dropped to  -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit at the Vostok research station in Antarctica.

The world record for the largest snowfall in a single day was set on Dec. 4, 1913 in Georgetown, Colo. The city received 63 inches of snow – that’s more than five feet!

The record for the most snow angels at one time was set in Bismarck, ND, on Feb. 17, 2007, when a couple of schools joined forces to create 8,962 snow angels.

The world record for snowfall in a season goes to the Mt. Baker ski area in Washington State for its 1,140 inches (about 95 feet) of snow in the 1998/1999 winter season.

Every winter at least one septillion (that is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) snow crystals fall from the sky!

Ten inches of snow melts down to only 1 inch of water.

“Romantic Feelings” – the world’s largest snow sculpture – was 656 feet long and 115 feet tall. A team of 600 amazing sculptors unveiled it at the Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival held on Dec. 20, 2007.


Snow Removal

Are you looking for a snow plow contractor for your commercial property or residential property? Home Sweet Home Landscaping has a fleet of trucks with plows and sanders to handle all of your snow plowing needs.

Quality Snow Removal

Commercial Snow Plowing & Shoveling

Residential Snow Plowing & Shoveling

Roof Snow / Ice Removal


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