Summit County. Co. Landscaping/Snow Removal

General Landscaping, Lawn Care Maintenance, Landscape Maintenance And Snow Removal

If your neighbor told you she had a plant that was beautiful, long blooming, drought-tolerant, deer-resistant and spreads very quickly, you might respond that it sounds too good to be true.

In fact, it is too good to be true.

Colorado has a problem with non-native invasive ornamental plants that displace native plants, reduce biological diversity and alter ecosystem processes. Many of these are on the State Noxious Weed List, making them illegal to sell or plant. The Brooklyn Botanical Gardens estimates that there are 300 dangerously invasive weeds growing in the continental U.S. and Canada and of these, half were introduced as ornamentals. They were brought to this country intentionally and allowed to gain a foothold before their harmful effects were known.

When they arrived in this country, none of the mechanisms that keep plants in check, such as insects, disease and competition came with them. So when they are unmanaged in native areas, they take over and disrupt the ecosystem, affecting bird, insect, fish and mammal populations that depend upon native plants for food, shelter and protection from predators. And it's not really possible to plant invasive ornamentals responsibly. Seeds can be eaten by birds, carried by cars, dogs or the wind and then may be planted in new locations. Some of the worst ornamental invaders in Colorado include purple loosestrife, ox-eye daisy, Russian olive, tamarisk, Bouncing Bet, Dame's/sweet rocket, perennial sweet pea, Dalmatian toadflax, yellow toadflax, Mediterranean sage, common tansy, scentless chamomile, and myrtle spurge.


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